The Wikipedia Story

Editorial, Feature Story

An Oral History of Wikipedia, OneZero asked the individuals who made Wikipedia what it is today how it all started.

It’s hard to imagine the internet without Wikipedia. Just like the air we breathe, the definitive digital encyclopedia is the default resource for everything and everyone — from Google’s search bar to undergrad students embarking on research papers.

It has more than 6 million entries in English, it is visited hundreds of millions of times per day, and it reflects whatever the world has on its mind. It was also never meant to exist — at least, not like this.

Now 20 years later — Wikipedia’s birthday is this Friday — nearly 300,000 editors (or “Wikipedians”) now volunteer their time to write, edit, block, squabble over, and scrub every corner of the sprawling encyclopedia.

Visual Strategy

Wikipedia has an iconic visual presentation reminisent of the early internet. Under Windows, the default fonts in browsers are normally defined as Arial at 16px for sans-serif, Times New Roman at 16px for serif and Courier New at 13px for monospace. 

For the lede header artwork and inline animated pieces, we collaborated with illustrator Timo Lenzen to develop a look and feel for the feature piece.


Produced at Medium.

Project: Oral History of Wikipedia
Client: Medium
EIC: Damon Beres
Art Direction: Jovanna Tosello
Illustrator: Timo Lenzen

Scope: Art Direction